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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2937

25th March 2011
Hiking - Walking: Shottisham to Ramsholt
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 7 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

With the good weather holding - what a great week it's been for mild,sunny weather and Mag recovering from her varicose vein op. from last Monday we decided to have a pub lunch at the Ramsholt Arms :) Trouble was we had to walk to get there !!! and as Mag is supposed to walk 3 miles a day to help recovery we went for 7 miles as abit of kill or cure !!! and she survived :)
We parked up just before mid day in a lane behind Shottisham Church and using or trusty Ordnance Map (we felt like proper hikers !!! ) for the first time we headed approx 3 miles to the lunch venue.
We had only made it a short way when we saw 18 deer in the middle of an open field :) we watched them and they watched us for ages before they ran off jumping the fence just behind us !!! They then decided to walk with us about 3 fields after crossing the road just in front of us !!!
They got bored of our company in the end and headed back and we made it to the River Deben and lunch at about 1:30 and both had liver and bacon sitting outside :)
We then headed up the Deben toward Waldringfield passing loads of creeks and duck decoy ponds full of birds including curlews,lapwings,shell ducks and eggrets,we are geting really good with the I-Spy book now.
We then headed away from the river and past Rockhall Wood and past Sutton Knoll - a Coralline island in a Red Crag sea - apparentely !!! making it back to the van at 5 ish knackered again but with no ill effect to Mags leg !!!
We then drove to Bawdsey Quay had a coffee in the van and watched the sunset over the river :)
So another top Friday out in the Suffolk countryside and might be breezy enough tomorrow for a londboard cruise even if weather not supposed to be so good :( />
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